Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Medellin, Colombia: Made it to Medellin after a 13 hour bus ride in an ice box! You'd think i'd learn by now, but got on the bus with shorts and a tank top, flip flops, and no jacket. It was very hot in Cartagena. But the bus must have been 20 degrees! I was freezing the whole way! But it was my fault for not being prepared.

Cartagena was great, though! Very hot, but bearable with light clothing. The cities architecture was amazing, at least in the old town, inside the fort. It was as they say, very romantic. It is a city for couples, but single folks can enjoy it just the same. I did.

The people are incredibly nice, and very helpful. One lady practically walked me to a restaurant when I asked for directions. Its safe, clean, everything you would want from a city. As always, check out pics on Facebook.

The city was a launching pad back to Europe for the old spanish settlers, and it was raided many times, hence the fort built around it. The old colonial buildings are very much kept up, and it makes for an amusement park-like setting. Walking the streets at night makes you feel like your walking down Main Street at Disneyland. Very surreal.

We stayed at a hotel, so did not get much of the backpacker crowd. I enjoyed that part. As I said earlier, I was sick of spending most of my time with Europeans and Israelis, no offense, they're nice enough people, but I wanted to experience Colombia with Colombians!

Same story here in Medellin. I am at a hotel, but may take the recommendation of a friend and try a hostel tomorrow night. Backpackers can be funny in that they come to a city, spend most of their time at the hostel, and leave only in huge groups, and think they actually experienced "traveling." Of course they're not all like that, but too many are. Hotels are cheap enough where I have been able to avoid hostels in South America. We'll see how it goes tomorrow.

I'm loving Colombia, it has been amazing. Of course i've been to only once city, but still incredible. Medellin seems really nice. I hope to visit Pablo Escobar's old home. I saw a documentary, years ago, about Medellin, and the effect the Medellin Cartel had on the city. It was quite violent, but since the death of Pablo Escobar, has calmed down.

A few years ago people would avoid Colombia, sort of the way I am avoiding Venezuela now, but Colombia has really become quite safe for traveling. I'm looking forward to seeing Medellin. Look for pictures soon!

Love you mom,

Love you fam and friends,


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