Monday, September 21, 2009

Bogota, Colombia: Felt I should update this sooner rather than later, since last blog was a bit much. It was as crazy as I thought, and now the details are bit clearer.

Turns out there were 7-8 guys who jumped and robbed the guys I was with. One guy was stabbed repeatedly in the arm and robbed. He got stitches in his arm, and was lucky they didnt get a major vein on his wrist. He´s left town. Another robbed and beat up. He's out of here as well. Another got away after getting passed two guys. Two of the guys were over 6´2", the other just a bit bigger than me.

And still, incredibly, I was not touched. Tried to reason that maybe I looked Mexican, or at least Latino, so they decided to not bother me. But found out later that a cute little Colombia girl was stabbed and robbed just a few hours later. Obviously these thugs care not where your from. I would also like to think they took one good look at me and thought, ¨better not mess with this guy, it would a huge mistake!" lol.

Its becoming absolutely clear that God was protecting me. I didnt have to even fight these guys. They completely ignored me. Didn't lay a hand on me, and whisked right by. Nothing short of a miracle. I thank God for that.

And definitely have given Bogota another shot. Turns out its pretty cool here. Still have not gone out at night, but really have no desire to. The day brings plenty to do. Spent the day at two amazing museums today. One was the Botero Musuem, which is full of Fernando Botero art. Check out Facebook for photos. He exxagerates all his paintings. Very popular Colombian artist.

Also turns out that today was the last day of the Andy Warhol exhibit. It was amazing! Couple more museums tomorrow, then off to Cali, Colombia.

Definitely felt better about walking the streets today. The other night was humbling, and made me realize that you can't get too comfortable out here. I became accostumed to putting my wallet in my front pocket, instead of hiding it in my sock, like I did in Mexico City. Today it was shoved in my sock! But still walked around not fearful. As my brother reminded me, I have not been given a spirit of fear. Just need to be cautious. I will be.

The city has a great vibe. Definitely unsafe at night in parts of town, but overall a great place. Thanks for all the comforting comments that were left on here and Facebook. It was an unsettling experience when you're on your own, but good to know my family and friends are still with me.

And, Harvey and Uncle D, you're right, I was born in Inglewood, so I should be used to this stuff. This place is Disneyland compared to some spots in LA. I'll stay tough.

Miss you all, but loving every minute of this trip!


(Biggum Raider-SUN) That one's for

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